Let me tell you a little story about a guy I know, Jacked. He spent 10 years in the gym daily, and he has big and beautiful of muscular body. We were doing pullups in the gym one day when a guy and a girl came over to talk to us. The guy was running his mouth but the girl wasn’t saying anything, she was just staring at my buddy. I’ve never seen it before or since but I saw her get her little panties wet just by looking at my jacked friend. I saw the feel in her eyes, I saw it in the way she opened her mouth a little, in the way she slightly licked her lips,
the way she spread her legs just a little bit more than they should be, in the way she almost imperceptibly thrusted her hips forward. She wet her panties just by looking at my friend. That’s the power of being jacked (BIG and Beauty MuscIe).
the way she spread her legs just a little bit more than they should be, in the way she almost imperceptibly thrusted her hips forward. She wet her panties just by looking at my friend. That’s the power of being jacked (BIG and Beauty MuscIe).
It's not easy to get massive muscIes even with the use of heavy supplements and steroid. It requires a proper exercise routine and proper diet plan. Actually it requires many years to get the massive muscIe. Since building muscular bodies really is about training on the one hand, and diet on the other. You have to change how you eat. Roger Lockridge of BodyBuilding.com recommends eating "big, but clean. Building muscl*e requires eating a large amount of clean calories. Beneficial foods. Use Medium Reps for Maximum Gains.
You'll build the most musc1e by doing sets of 5 to 10 reps. They hit a "magical" intersection between heavy loads and extended time under the bar. Each generation of lifters wants to rewrite the rule book, but they all eventually come back to this system, which is the basis for the workout on this month's poster.
And for Squats, more Is Better. About two decades ago I received good advice that I foolishly ignored: Never do fewer than 10 reps of the barbell back squat. Yes, there are always exceptions. But for most people most of the time, the extra time under the bar seems to stimulate the entire body as well as the appetite. Both are key in helping you add mass.
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