Monday, March 16, 2015

Ovidiu Danila - Romanian Hot and Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder

Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder
Ovidiu Danila

Ovidiu is Romanian & the only American contest I know of him competing in was a recent Musclemania. Although, he certainly could have been in Chicago, at some point after the show. Great looking guy! Ovidiu's arms are truly outstanding. Hope you guys enjoy his pics, And yes, he is Very Handsome that I'm only human! he's going to give me a heart attack because this man is heaven on a stick. He competed in the Jr. Nationals in Chicago in June, I search of his name on as well as the names listed in the Jr. Nationals of 2010 don't turn up any pictures of him.

Here is his information about his bodybuilding I've found on his interview.... Ovidiu using concentrated protein, amino acids (glutamine, taurine, carnitine, BCAA), nitric oxide-based products (for better pumping) and avoid gainerele (products rich in calories, high in carbohydrates). He choose this sport of bodybuilding because of It all started as a play. Lift weights back when he did judo, he continued when he played handball and he discovered from that he really like to train with weights to shape his body.

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Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder
Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder
Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder
Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder Ovidiu Danila - Hot Handsome Competitive Bodybuilder

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