Monday, March 9, 2015

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer
Hairy male model Aron Abikzergoes shirtless and coverboy Revista A CAPA N°60captured by Lëo Castro. The larger the muscles probably the healthier.

This guy has a chiseled incredibly hairy muscular body. This guy has THE definition of what would be considered in having the perfect proportioned body. And he has a hairy killer face.
Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer
Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

Hairy Male Model - DJ Aron Abikzer

1 comment:

  1. Andy, your subscribe button is not working. Also, do you have a facebook or instagram page? Or email?

    Happy new year

    Laz (
    Facenbook: lazlazlaz
